Free QR Code Generator

Drag, paste or upload an image here

What is QR Code?

A QR code, is a two-dimensional barcode that can store various types of data, including alphanumeric text, numbers, binary data, and URLs. QR codes were originally developed in Japan in the 1990s and have since become widely used for a variety of applications. They are characterized by their square shape and a pattern of black squares on a white background.

Here are some key characteristics and uses of QR codes:

  1. Data Storage: QR codes can store a significant amount of data compared to traditional barcodes. They can hold thousands of characters, making them suitable for various purposes.
  2. Fast Scanning: QR codes are designed for quick scanning, and they can be scanned from any angle. This makes them convenient for use with smartphones and other devices.
  3. Versatility: QR codes can store different types of data, including website URLs, contact information, text, Wi-Fi network details, email addresses, and more.
  4. Web Links: One of the most common uses of QR codes is to encode URLs. Scanning the QR code with a smartphone's camera can take the user directly to a website, saving the need to manually type in the URL.
  5. Marketing and Advertising: QR codes are often used in marketing and advertising materials. For example, businesses may include QR codes in print materials, such as posters, business cards, and product packaging, to provide quick access to product information or promotional content.
  6. Contactless Transactions: QR codes are increasingly used for contactless payments and transactions. Mobile payment apps often generate QR codes that represent payment information, allowing users to pay for goods and services by scanning the code with their smartphones.
  7. Ticketing and Boarding Passes: Airlines, cinemas, and event organizers use QR codes on electronic tickets and boarding passes, making it easy for customers to access their tickets.
  8. Inventory and Tracking: QR codes are used in inventory management and asset tracking systems to identify and manage items efficiently.
  9. Authentication and Security: Some applications use QR codes as part of two-factor authentication or for secure login procedures.
  10. Navigation and Geolocation: QR codes can also be used to encode geographical coordinates or navigation instructions, helping users find specific locations on maps.

To read QR codes, you need a QR code scanner or reader, which is often built into smartphones or available as apps. Scanning a QR code with a compatible device allows you to access the encoded information or perform specific actions associated with that data.

How Do I Create a Free QR Code?

  1. Choose a QR Code Generator Website:


  2. Select QR Code Type and Enter Data:

    Select the type of QR code you want to generate. Enter the necessary data, such as a web address or plain text.

  3. Customize the QR Code (Optional):

    Some generators allow you to customize the appearance of the QR code. You can change colors, add a logo, or adjust the error correction level.

  4. Generate the QR Code:

    Click the "Generate" button. We will process your request and generate a QR code for the provided URL.

  5. Download or Save the QR Code:

    Once the QR code is generated, you can download it to your computer or device. It is available in file formats PNG and SVG.