Text Case Converter

Lower Case Converter:

Are you looking to transform your text into lowercase letters? Our Lower Case Converter tool allows you to do just that! Simply paste your text into the provided box, and with a click, it will be converted into all lowercase letters. 

Sentence Case Converter:

Transform your text into well-structured sentences effortlessly! The Sentence Case Converter capitalizes the first letter of each sentence and converts the rest of the text into lowercase. Additionally, it automatically converts 'i' to 'I' and capitalizes the letters following a full stop.

Upper Case Converter:

Need your text in ALL CAPS? Our Upper Case Converter tool can help! Paste your text into the box, click the UPPER CASE tab, and watch all lowercase letters instantly transform into CAPITALS, while uppercase letters remain unchanged.

Capitalized Case Converter:

Looking for a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters? The Capitalized Case Converter automatically capitalizes the first letter of every word while leaving the rest in lowercase. Simply paste your content, click the Capitalized Case tab, and voila!

Title Case Converter:

Struggling with title formatting? Our Title Case Converter is designed for you! It ensures proper capitalization within a title, leaving words like "an" in lowercase and capitalizing important words like "Title." Just paste your text, click the Title Case tab, and your title will be correctly formatted.

What is APA style

In APA style, there are specific rules for capitalization in titles:

1. Article Titles (Title Case):

In article titles, use "Title Case," which means:

  • Capitalize all major words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs).
  • Lowercase articles, prepositions, and conjunctions, unless they are the first word or a proper noun.

Example: This is an Example of a Title in APA Style

2. Level 1 and Level 2 Headings (Sentence Case):

For Level 1 and Level 2 headings, use "Sentence Case," meaning:

  • Capitalize only the first word and proper nouns.

Example: This is an example of a level 1 heading in APA style.

This is an example of a level 2 heading in APA style.

3. Level 3 Headings and Lower (Sentence Case or Title Case):

For Level 3 headings and lower, APA style doesn't have strict rules. You can choose either "Sentence Case" or "Title Case," but maintain consistency throughout the document.

Example (Sentence Case): This is an example of a level 3 heading in APA style.

Example (Title Case): This is an Example of a Level 3 Heading in APA Style.

Ensure consistency in capitalization throughout the document to adhere to APA style guidelines.